/ A C T I V I T Y


/ Which Way Now?

In 2018-19 I worked with children and early years workers from the Portman Early Childhood Centre, North Westminster on a series of child-led walks and have since been developing a publication and toolkit from the project with Alex Thorpe at the Serpentine Galleries.

Inviting children to lead a series of walks through the neighbourhood, the project addressed a number of questions:

What do child-led walks tell us about children’s experience of the city and their relationship to it?

How does managed risk open up children’s experience of the world?

Can we learn to re-think the city by listening to children as they navigate the local area?

Changing Play is an ongoing partnership with the Portman Early Childhood Centre in Westminster, which brings together artists, children, families and educators to critically reconsider early years education and care.



/ ITV creates: Sam Curtis and Dave Bennett

Watch the ident all this week on ITV or online here. ITV commssioned me to create an ident and interpret their logo sculpturally, I in turn commissioned a previous artistic collaborator, Dave Bennet from IAC Scaffolding to respond.


/ Artist-in-residence with CREATE London in Park Royal Inustrial Estate

As the first artist-in-residence in the Old Oak and Park Royal Great Place Scheme programme, Sam is thinking about what art can do in the context of the UK’s second largest industrial estate and how art can engage with industry. As a part of this thinking, he has invited artists and curators to join him in conversation as they walk around and inhabit different parts of the estate. He is mapping a range of different approaches for initiating conversations and collaborations between artists and business, asking: What could be our common language? How do we identify and negotiate the benefits to each party in working together? And what can the disconnections during collaboration with non-artists reveal about our assumptions and expectations?


// Knives like fingers

A new collaboration with blacksmith Leszek Sikon to produce a fishmonger’s knife made from reclaimed steel cables from the fishing industry. More info here.


/// Standard, Ledger and Transom

Documentation of new work here


//// Daiwa Foundation grant

Fish rubbing collaborator Eleanor Morgan and I are very excited to announce that we have been awarded funding from the Daiwa Foundation to visit Japan in 2018 to research the fish rubbing ecology. More info here.


///// Art Inspiring Change

Turner Contemporary ran an innovative schools project over 18-months, supported by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation that enables primary school children to take the lead in order to transform their town and community. 

After a challenging interview day in 2016 where 20 children put 20 artists through their paces, I was selected by pupils at Northdown Primary School to work with them on the project. We met with a group from the school weekly to work together on developing ideas, taking turns to lead the group, discuss philosophical questions and think about what change we could make in our neighbourhood.

On 8th July 2017, we created a one-day event for the people of Margate and Milmead estate around our theme of time with philosphical artworks, marbling galaxies workshops, a collective choreography workshop, tours and seed planting at Windmill Gardens Allotments and clock making from friends at Ramsgate Festival.


Time is fast and time is slow - by Aimee

Choreography and movement workshop where young art leaders devise their public engagement, facilitated by Dani Batchelor.

Marbled terracota pot for planting seeds of time at Windmill Community Gardens

Collective choreography workshop by young arts leaders with visitors contributing their movement to the mix.